In painting , as in any art, persistent practice is not working on the object or the image or the performance alone, but rather, working on yourself , which is the constant behind all the "product" of your art. NED DEPEW It is true. As you evolve, your painting surely evolves as well. It is not just the product of reading, learning, workshops, and skills, rather a deeper indefinable quality that changes you and your art. I am sure meditation contributes to it - to having a better mental state before you start a painting, having a better attitude to the body of work you are producing and your progress, to the patience that comes with meditation, and to the other biggie: letting go of things (a single painting or your general progress) that don't quite pan out as expected. One thing I struggle with when I paint is timing. For a perfect wet-in-wet, I feel I need to paint fast - on to the next area, and the next, before previous areas dry. However, when I wat...