Pause for a pause

The Pause. So helpful in not being reactionary. Look at it, walk away. The power of the pause gives you the power of choice. More than one choice.
The pause between bites to enjoy your food. The pause before a reaction to what you hear, see, feel. The pause after a step in watercolor - to think, evaluate, learn. Not just drying time, but more time to look at it with fresh eyes.
The time after that pause is yours. It's not going anywhere. And you arrive there with more power, more control, more choice.

“It has been said that it’s the space between the bars that holds the tiger. 
And it’s the silence between the notes that makes the music. 
It is out of the silence, or “the gap,” or that space between our thoughts, 
that everything is created including our own bliss.” - Wayne Dyer

I am back to painting this old subject of the folk dancer [after a pause]. Several studies and color schemes later....
Are they getting better with each successive try? I've decided that what draws me to watercolor are watermarks, not perfect washes, and perfect paintings. Let accidents [and planned accidents] happen! Celebrate them!!

Mirroring the figures connects them better to the background lacy shapes...values could be darker


Look at the lovely watermarks in her black skirt


And the final one...with watermarks in her skirt and a complementary palette


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