Jan 1: A new year with new resolutions

Happy New Year!
I went looking online for a 2019 daily watercolor challenge to try and force myself to paint more, and paint more regularly. To perhaps try and live up to the name of this blog :-|
I didn't find an online challenge, but have taken it upon myself to create a self-imposed daily challenge for the month of January.
Without setting too many rules - I started yesterday, and enjoyed my January 1 painting of urban Chinatown so much that I decided that perhaps each week of January ought to have a theme.
Week 1: Urban.
Of course, it is more important to paint what inspires me ad lib rather than adhere to an ad hoc theme. I am hoping that subsequent months of (dare I say) daily painting will become easier if I paint daily in January - don't they say it takes 21 days to make a habit? Not to mention, the improvement in skill by painting daily will be a continuous loop of encouragement - at least in January for now.
Ultimate goal: daily painting each of the 365 days. Whoa!


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