Coyote Point Marina

This was done during a travel sketch class - again, plein air. I love plein air, in spite of the physical discomforts at times, the fact that I have to completely pack up my gear and move it a few feet away to do another painting, the lugging of all the stuff from home [not forgetting anything, especially a chair!, a hat, extra water...].
This was at Coyote Point Marina. This funky orange "thing" just sailed up to the pier - it is not a building, but a building-boat! It was so ugly that it was fascinatingly beautiful! It was truly orange in parts, and very striking. It was a grey day, which was made blue and happy to contrast with the orange parts, and I changed the dull grey pier posts to white, to lead the eye from the ramp to the building-boat-thingy.


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